Friday, January 11, 2008

Prophets of Old

Shalom Class!

The first part of your Creative Synthesis for this quarter will be a group report on an assigned Old Testament prophet that you will have to research on and present to the class. Although we will not be able to cover all the prophetic books of the Old Testament, this shortened canon will hopefully provide you a good overview of the prophetic tradition spanning all the important periods in this part of Israel's history.

Your main reference for this reporting will be Lawrence Boadt's Reading the Old Testament: An Introduction (New Jersey: Paulist Press, 1984). Although you don't need to buy a copy, copies are available for Php250 at all Saint Paul's bookstores in case you would like to have one. I am making my own copy available for your use at the LRC, together with other books that I've selected from our school's collection that you can also refer to. Just inquire from the school librarian about the books I reserved for you. You may also use other references besides the ones I recommended, but make sure you have consulted and understood Boadt first, before going to other references, especially the Internet, where we cannot be too sure about the information provided.

The following is the order of reporting.

Prophets of the Eight Century BC
1. Amos
2. Hosea
3. Micah
4. Isaiah of Jerusalem (Isaiah Chapters 1-39)

Prophets in the Last Days of Judah
5. Zephaniah and Habakkuk
6. Jeremiah

Prophets during the Exile
7. Second Isaiah (Isaiah Chapters 40-55)
8. Ezekiel

Prophets During the Period of Restoration
9. Third Isaiah (Isaiah Chapters 56-66)
10. Zechariah

You may consult me personally or through email ( Remember to submit to me your written report and other materials you'll be using at least two days before your assigned reporting day. God bless you.

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