Saturday, September 22, 2007

More about the Creative Synthesis

Shalom Class!

How are you proceeding with your Creative Synthesis? I hope you are all enjoying your adventure with your saint of the quarter. Anyway, here are some added tips:

1. Do not limit yourself to just one source/ website. Check several sources and try to put the information together according to the requirements of the task.
2. Do not limit yourself to the information available. Fill in what is unsaid and unspoken by trying to put yourself in the shoes of the saint. (E.g. How must it have felt to be a martyr, or to enter the seminary at that age? What would it have been like to face the problems that he or she encountered in life?)

For those who got the Chinese martyrs, here are some useful sites:

Agostino Zhao Rong and 119 Companions, Martyrs in China
From the Vatican Website

Chinese Martyrs Parish
A Canadian Website

If you really think you cannot find enough materials for your saint, you may get other saints that the others did not sign up for or you may try to find another saint who is not in the list. Here is the official list of saints you signed up for:

Saints Sign Up

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