Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Here I Am!

We've all seen how God invited Abraham, Isaac and Jacob out of their comfort zones to follow his mysterious Lekh L'chas. Through ups and downs, successes and failures, he led them along the exciting journey of faith where God formed (sometimes, even transformed) them to be the Great Patriarchs of his chosen people.

As we close the book of Genesis and begin with Exodus, we see another person being called by God in one of the most beautiful and moving examples of what we call a call narrative. The structure of the call narrative reveals another dimension to how God chooses people for his tasks: not only does he call unworthy men, he also promises to be with them to support and sustain them in their carrying out God's work.

With that, here is our slideshow for the Call of Moses.

Here I Am!
Yahweh Calls Moses to Set His People Free

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