Sunday, September 30, 2007

Saint Jerome

Shalom Class!

Today we celebrate the memory of Saint Jerome, a very important Biblical scholar and a truly great doctor or teacher of the Church.

Saint Jerome's greatest contribution was his translation of the Biblical texts from the original Greek and Hebrew, which were difficult to read and study, into Latin, which was the language used by more people during his time. He believed that every Christian should be able to read and study the Bible. He even said, "Ignorance of Scriptures is Ignorance of Christ."

May Saint Jerome's example and holiness inspire us to study with greater love and devotion God's Word revealed in Scriptures.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

More about the Creative Synthesis

Shalom Class!

How are you proceeding with your Creative Synthesis? I hope you are all enjoying your adventure with your saint of the quarter. Anyway, here are some added tips:

1. Do not limit yourself to just one source/ website. Check several sources and try to put the information together according to the requirements of the task.
2. Do not limit yourself to the information available. Fill in what is unsaid and unspoken by trying to put yourself in the shoes of the saint. (E.g. How must it have felt to be a martyr, or to enter the seminary at that age? What would it have been like to face the problems that he or she encountered in life?)

For those who got the Chinese martyrs, here are some useful sites:

Agostino Zhao Rong and 119 Companions, Martyrs in China
From the Vatican Website

Chinese Martyrs Parish
A Canadian Website

If you really think you cannot find enough materials for your saint, you may get other saints that the others did not sign up for or you may try to find another saint who is not in the list. Here is the official list of saints you signed up for:

Saints Sign Up

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Creative Synthesis

Shalom Classes!

The creative synthesis for the Quarter is much longer than the first (don't worry I will go through it patiently as you will) but hopefully it will be very fruitful and formative as well for everyone of us.

The prescribed format for the four installments (milestones) will be as follows:

Arial font, 12-point size, double-spaced, short bond paper

The deadlines for each milestone will be every Friday beginning next week. For those classes that I will not be meeting on Fridays, and for the October 5 submission, you may submit them to your designated CLE beadles before lunchbreak during those Fridays.

a. Lech L'cha - September 28
b. Passover - October 4 (since October 5 will be Appreciation Day)
c. Desert Experience - October 12 (with the Reflection Paper)
d. Promised Land - October 19 (with the text of the Prayer Service)

CLE Beadles:
H1A - Christopher Dy
H1B - Ronald Lim
H1C - Andre Garcia
H1D - Jedric Lim
H1E - Francis Abad
H1G - Eric Lao

Just two practical tips:
a. take down notes during class so you will have an easier time writing your papers.
b. manage your time well so your requirements (this is true in all subjects) do not pile up.

For any questions, you may e-mail me at Just do not forget to identify yourself properly and immediately identify your concern in the subject of your email.

I hope you will have a wonderful time journeying with the people of Israel and with your personal saint this quarter. Shalom!

Creative Synthesis (GRASPS)
H! Q2 SY 2007-2008

Here I Am!

We've all seen how God invited Abraham, Isaac and Jacob out of their comfort zones to follow his mysterious Lekh L'chas. Through ups and downs, successes and failures, he led them along the exciting journey of faith where God formed (sometimes, even transformed) them to be the Great Patriarchs of his chosen people.

As we close the book of Genesis and begin with Exodus, we see another person being called by God in one of the most beautiful and moving examples of what we call a call narrative. The structure of the call narrative reveals another dimension to how God chooses people for his tasks: not only does he call unworthy men, he also promises to be with them to support and sustain them in their carrying out God's work.

With that, here is our slideshow for the Call of Moses.

Here I Am!
Yahweh Calls Moses to Set His People Free

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Joseph's Journey

After having studied the myths about the beginnings of the universe and of man in Gen: 1-11, and after having seen the lives of the Patriarchs of Israel, at long last, we are about to close the book of Genesis with the saga of Joseph, Jacob's favorite son.

A saga is a prolonged story colored with many interesting details and exciting twists and turns. In the story of Joseph, you will see almost every kind of thing that happened to the Patriarchs occur in his life as well. But while the story itself may be long and winding, the point of this literary form is quite simple: what happened to the Great Patriarchs, if it happened to Joseph, can also happen to you, to me and to any of us who are also Jacob's sons by faith.

With that, here are the slides for our lesson on Joseph. As you receive your grades, may you accept them with deep and real hope and not just shallow optimism. God bless all of you.

Joseph's Journey
It Can Be Yours Too

Friday, September 7, 2007

High Batch Mass

Shalom everyone!

Thank you once again to each and everyone of you who made our Batch Mass a really fruitful, orderly and meaningful activity for our High1 Xavier Community.

Special thanks to the Batch Representative and the Class Presidents, and those who were given particular roles to play in preparation as well as the celebration of the liturgy.

All praise, honor and glory be to God our Lord and to Mary, the Mother of Jesus. May God bless you always.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Isaac and Jacob

After Abraham, the promise continues with his son Isaac and his grandson Jacob: two people with personalities you would never expect to be chosen by God. Yet God called them and they allowed themselves to be led along God's exciting ways.

With that, here are the slides for our Isaac and Jacob stories.

Isaac's Silent Laughter
Another Way of Following Yahweh's Lekh L'cha

Tale of Two Brothers
Jacob and Esau

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Some Changes in our Batch Mass Liturgy

Shalom Everyone!

There are minor changes in our Batch Mass Liturgy. The flowers will be offered no longer during the Prayers of the Faithful but after the Prayer After Communion.

Below is the list of ministers with assigned roles to play during the Mass itself. All the rest are highly encouraged to JOIN THE CHOIR. There will be a choir practice tomorrow during lunch time at the High School Sacred Heart Chapel. Let us all work together to make this batch activity a real success.

Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Chosen Daughter of Israel (Revised Version)

John Aldrix Tan (H1B)
Lucas Ngo Dee (H1D)

First Reading: Edmer Maguan (H1G)
Responsorial Psalm: Justin Pua (H1C)

John Say (H1A)
Ronald Lim (H1B)
Stewart Ngo (H1C)
Caesar Wongchuking (H1D)
Markyn Kho (H1E)
Godwin Gan (H1F)
Jessel Herradura (H1G)
Mario Bautista (H1H)

Christopher Malata (H1A)
David Ngo (H1B)
Gabriel Yuyek (H1C)
Gregory Siy (H1D)
Solomon Say (H1E)
Kevin Co (H1F)
Sidney Aquilino (H1G)
EJ Dee (H1H)

Monday, September 3, 2007

Batch Mass High1

Shalom Everyone!

We will be having our High1 Batch Mass this coming Friday, September 8, at the newly-renovated Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH) for the first two periods. Since it is the eve of the celebration of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and we are studying the Old Testament this year, we will be using the Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Chosen Daughter of Israel (taken from the Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary).

Below is a copy of the liturgy to be used during the Batch Mass. Those who have been assigned particular roles are asked to study, and practice if needed, their parts beforehand. (I have indicated your parts by printing your names in the rubrics, or instructions, of the liturgical text)

Let us all work together so that this spiritual activity will be truly meaningful and fruitful for our High1 Community. God bless all of you.

Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Chosen Daughter of Israel

P.S. The picture above, for those who were not able to watch The Nativity Story is a scene where Mary shares some treats with the younger children after Old Testament Class. c",)