Saturday, August 11, 2007

Pointers for Review

Shalom Class!

The QT Week is finally here! More so, we even have one last project (Creative Synthesis) coming up. Half of it will be done within our class time and the other half will be taken home to be submitted after the QTs are all over.

For your review, please pay attention especially to the following:

A. Introduction to the Bible and the Old Testament
-Essential concepts (Inspiration, Inerrancy, Canon, etc.)
-333 Lesson (3 Important characteristics of Scripture, 3 Important consideration in Interpreting Scripture, and the 3-fold Importance of Sacred Scripture)
-Literary forms
B. Creation: the Initial Act of Promise
-First Story of Creation (key points, historical context)
-Second Story of Creation (key points, historical context, important symbolisms)
-Sabbath (key points, history)

C. Fall and Promise
-The concept of being human (coming from the previous lesson)
-The concept of sin
-Justice, mercy and redemption

Our CLE QT Test will be on August 17. Bibles are not allowed during the QT.

So, prepare well for your exams in CLE as well as in other subjects. (Please, nobody should fail in CLE or in other subjects!) But even though you are very busy, don't forget to rest and relax once in a while and to pray. God bless all of you.

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