Friday, August 31, 2007

Abraham: Father in Faith

Shalom Classes!

We have moved from the first quarter to the second quarter by discussing three well-beloved Bible stories that bring to a close the section Genesis 1 to 11. Now, we are officially leaving the realm of myth and entering the realm of history.

In the lives of the Great Patriarchs of Israel, you will see how Yahweh moves in the lives of his chosen people: ordinary men who are far from perfect yet full of trust and faith in following Yahweh's surprising Lekh L'chas.

With that, here is our first round of PowerPoint presentations for the second quarter.

Chaos to Cosmos Cycles
Three Well-Beloved Bible Stories from Genesis 1 to 11

Lekh L'cha
Abraham's Journey of Faith

Abraham's Ultimate Test
God Commands Abraham to Sacrifice Isaac

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