Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Garfield: Fact or Fiction? True or Untrue?

Here we have a sample of a Garfield comic strip. (Sorry about the size. Just click on the picture to enlarge it if you find it too small. Or, you can copy and paste it to MSWord and enlarge it more there if needed.)

Garfield, a cat and Odie, his friend dog, are shown as having human qualities: they go to Xavier High School just like you (although they don't wear the proper uniform) and talk to your teacher (and about your teacher) like you also do!

Now, think about these important questions:

Is Garfield something we can call fact or fiction? Is the comic strip true or untrue? Or can something be fiction and at the same time convey or carry a true message?

You may want to post your replies/comments below. Afterwards, see how your answers compare with the lesson on the powerpoint presentation.

Literary Forms (Powerpoint Presentation)


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I think this is somewhat true because most xaverians are most likely like that.But it is in a way fiction because of the characters used and not all xaverians exactly are like that. I think it also carries a hidden message.

-Bryce Tan