Thursday, June 21, 2007

Enrichment Activity

This is Rembrandt's depiction of The Evangelist Matthew Inspired by an Angel. Carefully observe it and notice the details.

Based on our lesson, is his idea and picture of Divine Inspiration correct or incorrect? Why do you say so?

If you think it is incorrect, what could be another and better way of representing The Evangelist Matthew Inspired by an Angel? If you think it is correct, what details will support your answer?

Share your thoughts to us by adding your replies below.


Joshua said...

It is incorrect because the one who actively worked in the human writers was the Holy Spirit.

-Joshua Collado

techwhiz376 said...

It is wrong because the Holy Spirit is the one who inspires and guides people. God himself sent us the Holy Spirit to make sure we make the right choices. He also helps us in what we do if it is right or wrong.

-Enrique Panganiban

Unknown said...

It is incorrect because the holy spirit is the one who worked.

-Bryce Tan